Well, well, well. Brain (my nickname for my friend Brian Davis) has asked me to 'guest blog' at his interesting and useful blog. Me; here? It seems an oxymoron. But Brain has in fact asked, and I in fact have accepted. I will do anything Brain asks me to do, because he is a good guy and a credit to our industry.
Where To Start
I guess this first attempt should be an introduction. You at least have a right to know where I'm coming from. My credentials if you like, or lack thereof.
I grew up in a refinery town in Southeast Texas. Among intellectual giants. True giants. For me the runt, it was a humbling experience. There are fourteen or fifteen certifiable geniuses in that family picture. The runt, definitely not included in that category, is the little fella in the striped shirt at the bottom right corner.
I have three degrees...two legitimate, one less recognized but no less hard earned. A testament to perseverance, not intellect.
My early career was spent in the corporate world. Insurance, Medical research, Banking. Surprisingly successful, an indication perhaps of the inherent weaknesses of that business structure.
Real World Credentials --- Such As They Are
Along the way I started three businesses and bought one which was morphed several times into the business I have today. Acorn Appraisal Associates. My expertise is in business and management. In banking I met and evaluated many businesses as part of the lending process. I bought and ran a business brokerage business, evaluating many businesses, representing over a thousand as a selling broker, and concluded a few hundred sales. I am a business valuation expert in my own mind.
My current real estate appraisal business was started in the late 1980's. Mostly as a sole practitioner. The last six years the business has been deliberately transformed into a larger practice, currently with nine employees. Revenues have increased by an average of forty percent annually since that time, and we'll achieve well into seven figures in annual revenue in 2007 if all goes according to plan.
I'm not an expert in appraisal. Look elsewhere for that. I haven't completed an appraisal in six years, when the transformation began. What I have done is create an annuity for my wife and I in our 'twilight years' (two CPAs have grasped that concept and labeled it so) and established a legacy for the next generation to carry on, they building something better than I ever dreamed possible.
My Goal For This Adventure
I suspect that is why I'm here. Brain wants me to talk about business, business management, entrepreneurship, business models, and how to apply all of that to the Appraisal Business. To give his readers things to think about that might help them to understand their business a little better, and in doing so to suggest avenues to explore that might make their businesses and their lives a little more rewarding.
I'll try.
www.acornappraisal.net is a 20 year old firm offering a wide range of quality appraisal services to the Financial and Business Communities. Our market includes the greater Houston SMSA, including Harris, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Brazoria and Waller Counties
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