Tiger Woods is not only becoming a golf course designer but now has his hand in demolition.
He and wife Elin have decided to bulldoze their existing Jupiter Island McMansion in favor of a smaller main house and two guest cottages. I have never been inside of a twenty-three thousand square foot home, but at ten times bigger than my "castle", I'm betting that it echos at night.
Of course, if you're Tiger Woods, that "smaller" house translates into half the space of his current living area with two additional guest houses on the ten-plus acre waterfront compound.
Perhaps it was Elin who first made the case for several smaller homes as opposed to their current spread. When the baby is born and Woods returns to his regular PGA Tour schedule, there will be two sets of in-laws pawing at the newborn.
As Samuel Johnson once said, "No money is better spent than what is laid out for domestic satisfaction."
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