William (Bill) D. Cobb, IFA of Accurate Valuations Group, http://www.getfastvalue.com recently attended the Appraisal Institute Liability Management For Residential Appraisers: Dodging The Litigation Bullet Seminar in Pearl, MS.
Bill says: "Why I would highly recommend this 7 Hour Appraisal Institute Seminar? In the 15 years of my appraisal experience, I have attended many seminars. Very few have been practical. Most have only been theory. The main reason I highly recommend the seminar is that it presents case studies which really address every day issues that appraisers experience."
(Much of the information presented is directly from the handbook provided at the seminar and the notes taken by William during the seminar - with permission.)
The purpose of the seminar was to help residential (home) appraisers become a less attractive legal target and thereby avoid being the subject of litigation. The seminar handbook explains that there are several ways to deal with appraiser liability:
- Avoid it. Make yourself a less attractive target.
- Transfer it. Shift the liability to another entity, such as the client or the other intended users.
- Manage it. Understand and use the legal system to your advantage; create a relationship with a competent Lawyer who will assist you in your business affairs to pre-avoid liability. Have Errors & Omissions Insurance from a reputable company that will defend you with local contract attorneys.
- Accept it. Acknowledge the fact that it exists and insure against it, such as with E & O insurance.
- Ignore it. Pretend it doesn’t exist and hope it goes away.
- Leave it. Change your career to one that is less adversarial.
According to the instructor, these are the Common Reasons for Home Appraiser Lawsuits and Litigation and Some Possible Remedies:
- Failure to discover and report improvement and site defects.
- Incorrect calculation of gross living area.
- Failure to report roof leakage, settlement or foundation cracks, wet basements, termite infestation and mechanical defects.
- Overvaluation or Undervaluation of a property.
- Appraisal of wrong property.
- Failure to verify, period.
- Defamation
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