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By now many of you have already received a direct email from Dave Biggers, the Chairman of a la mode, inc. (click here) announcing their political action initiative to stop the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) in its tracks by focusing their considerable resources in Washington to hire top-flight lobbyists, law firms, and marketing and PR firms solely to defeat the HVCC and protect our business.
Dave Biggers said: "The results have been overwhelming and it's just now started to go out -- over 1000 appraisers in the first hour, and that's even with the fact that Mondays are actually bad for email responsiveness since so many people are out in the field."
Who did the email get sent to? The email went out to:
- 68,000 unique appraiser mailboxes
- We also sent a variation of the letter to 55,000 mortgage brokers, and
- 263,000 real estate agents in the a la mode marketing databases
"Some appraisers may wonder why we'd ask agents and mortgage brokers to help defeat the HVCC, but the answer is simple, said Dave Biggers. At this point, we have a common enemy and we need all the allies we can get. We'll sort out differences AFTER the HVCC is defeated, in a manner where we as appraisers have a say in the outcome. And with licensing and enforcement on the way for mortgage brokers just as it exists for appraisers and agents, there are better ways to solve the coercion problem than a blanket elimination of the relationships that appraisers have with tens of thousands of mortgage brokers and agents."
We must act together, immediately, to prevent the current Home Valuation Code of Conduct from becoming federal policy. The deadline for submitting feedback on the HVCC is Wednesday, April 30th.
We must let the parties involved know that the terms of the HVCC virtually eliminate the appraisal industry as a thriving collection of independent small businesses, by practically mandating that AMCs be used and by systematically driving lenders to AVMs and BPOs to avoid legal liabilities and transparency.
a la mode, inc. has made it easy for you to take immediate action. It’ll take you less than sixty seconds to help save your business. Just go to their political action page and we'll send your comments directly to the powers-that-be.
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According to their political action page: "In addition to passing your comments on electronically, we will actually print each of your letters on paper and physically deliver all of them to the OFHEO, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the New York State Attorney General, and others, on the Wednesday, April 30th commentary deadline. A few days from now is too late. That’s why we need your action right now.
They've provided an additional comments box also, but their lawyers and lobbyists in Washington have told them repeatedly that “heated rants” are typically disregarded and take away from the message they'll be sending. So, please, try to avoid that. Clarity and focus on a unified message is most effective. Now is not the time to split hairs over small issues. The industry is under assault and we must stand united behind a short, easily communicated, achievable set of objectives.
"It’s vital to our industry and the American public that we stand together in opposition of the HVCC as it currently stands. We thank you in advance for your support, and for asking every appraiser you know to visit this web page and lend their support as well", according to a la mode, inc.
Dave Biggers said: "The process of eliminating an appraiser's ability to choose his or her own clients just leads to the next logical conclusion and the worst consequence of the HVCC: the near-universal mandate that lenders must use AMCs for all ordering and management of appraisals. It's insane.
It takes literally billions of dollars out of the pockets of independent small businesspeople and shifts half or more of it to a handful of large AMCs. Any member of Congress who doesn't have a massive AMC in their backyard should be incensed."
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