AUTHOR: Steven R. Smith, MSREA, MAI, SRA, Smith Realty Advisors, 936 San Jacinto St., Redlands, CA 92373, Real Estate Appraisals, Consulting, Expert Testimony, Forensic Reviews, Fraud Research and Analysis, Litigation Support, Fraud Training.
I received a private email this morning on the verification step of the Direct Sales Comparison approach and started to respond privately, then realized it was this type of question that spurred creating the InlandCAAppraisers Forum at Yahoo Groups. That, along with an encounter with an appraiser in denial about what the Housing Market was doing. That was 2-years and 19,930 Messages ago.
Here was this morning’s question: “I would like to pick your brain on some of the most informative questions to ask agents (market participants) during research and verification when doing a commercial property.”
There are two elements to verification, transactional, and physical. Transactional deals with motivations of the parties, terms and conditions.
Often when appraisers do verifications, they concentrate on Price Point verifications, not on the transactional aspects. Yet it is the motivations of the parties and understanding whether they were normal or one party was under some kind of pressure or duress that can make a large difference in the price.
We have seen properties sell at a discount because of the owners timing needs. I once had a man that I had been prospecting call me on a Monday and tell me he was ready to sell but he had to close by Friday. We did the deal, putting it in escrow that day at a 17% discount from what I thought it was worth. Other times it is as simple as the buyer being an adjacent owner that needed the property and paid a premium. We have seen more than 20% premiums paid by adjacent owners.
The point is that Motivations can make big differences in the Sales Price. Getting to an understanding of them, cannot really be done by reading our data sources.
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