I just received an email from http://www.ICAPweb.com announcing that:
ACI has recently acquired the assets of United Systems®, Day One®, and Appraisal.com. We are pleased to announce that we are re-opening operations and charting a new course for existing customers.
If you have questions about this announcement please contact ACI at: 800-234-8727 | www.aciweb.com
ACI, founded by an appraiser in 1978, is a pioneer in crafting technology solutions for the valuation industry. From connecting appraisers nationwide to streamlining quality control, the flexibility provided gives organizations the means for processing appraisals and managing exceptions in a consistent and efficient manner.
ACI is a division of ISO, a leading source of information about risk, providing data, analytics, and decision-support services to professionals in many fields, including insurance, finance, real estate, health services, government, human resources, and risk management. The company draws on vast expertise in actuarial science, insurance coverage, fire protection, fraud prevention, catastrophe and weather risk, predictive modeling, data management, economic forecasting, social and technological trends, and many other fields. To meet the needs of diverse clients, ISO employs an experienced staff of business and technical specialists, analysts, and certified professionals. In the United States and around the world, ISO helps customers protect people, property, and financial assets.
If you have questions about this announcement please contact ACI at: 800-234-8727 | www.aciweb.com
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