How appropriate is it that the 1004MC addendum to the URAR will be required for all valuation assignments for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, VA and FHA, that became effective on April 1 2009 – "April Fools Day"?
Picking up where we left off in part-one, here are a few more FAQ's from my workshop on the 1004MC.
FAQ #4 – "At the effective date (mid-month or near month end) there were zero closings in the current to 3-month period however, there are 10 pending sales. Should I use zero in the grid?
This is a judgment call, but then most of what we do is based on "judgment and communication". There are reasonable arguments for both sides. Many pending sales never close. At the same time, if a high number of them do close, you'll post a "goose egg" on the effective date (along with a declining trend) and several days later (when the sales close) it may shift to "stable".
The primary objective of any valuation assignment is to inform the reader so they can make an effective business decision. I would suggest that you verify the pending sales (call the agents to see if they expect them to close), record the details and place a number with an asterisk (and footnote) that these are pending and expected to close.
The key here is not to mislead. You must verify the pending status and document the same. Wishful thinking is not going to help the client. If you ignore the pending closings (and they close) you'll look like an idiot a week or two after your report.
FAQ #5 – "Many markets are seasonal or have anomalies how do I explain this"?
Seasonality generally exists in most market due to families with school-age children and or severe weather conditions. There seems to be a tendency to have higher sales volumes between March and August as opposed to September through February.
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