To: All Mortgage Brokers, Real Estate Agents, Appraisers, Lenders, Home Builders, Title Agents, and Consumers
From: Marc Savitt, President- National Association of Mortgage Brokers
After more than a year of exhaustive negotiations with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Director of FHFA (GSE Regulator) James Lockhart, and NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, NAMB believes the time has come for your individual voice to be heard.
In order for this “Call to Action” to be effective, we ask that you fully participate, encourage others to join the action and continue calling and emailing everyday, until advised to stop by NAMB. This will NOT be a one day action!
We have received hundreds of e-mails through the [email protected] e-mail address outlining specific cases where the HVCC has created delays and additional costs to consumers. NAMB has categorized and compiled a report of the examples received, which was sent to FHFA Director James Lockhart. Please use your own examples in your conversations with legislators, regulators, or their staff. Also, please visit the NAMB HVCC Resource Center for additional information and documents on the HVCC.
Who will you be contacting?
Also, please contact your local TV and Newspaper outlets. Below are talking points and background information to assist in your conversations. Please remember we are all professionals and should conduct ourselves accordingly in any communication with the above parties.
For the most successful and influential calls, it is important to concisely quantify how the HVCC is affecting your consumer and your business.
Talking Points:
1) NAMB conservatively estimates (breakdown below) that the HVCC is costing consumers over 2.8 BILLION dollars a year in extra fees, created by long delays (extended lock-in fees) and higher appraisal costs.
2) Unregulated Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs), who have been the subject of several misconduct investigations, are the centerpiece of the HVCC. The original Cuomo investigation involved a federally chartered bank and an AMC.
3) AMCs are driving honest appraisers and mortgage brokers from business, eliminating competition, increasing costs to consumers and reducing state revenue. The HVCC is causing significant delays in real estate transactions, hurting real estate agents, title companies and other third parties reliant on turnaround time.
4) HVCC does nothing to reduce fraud, as it legitimizes the same failed model, which was the subject of Attorney General Cuomo’s investigation.
5) No Portability! Consumers are “trapped” with a specific lender. If a better deal becomes available with a different lender, the consumer is forced to pay for another appraisal.
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