The Illinois Coalition of Appraisal Professionals (ICAP) is pleased to announce registration for the 2010 summer seminars is now available on-line at As usual, two seminars will be held this summer. The first seminar will be held on July 7th in Springfield at the Crowne Plaza hotel. The second seminar will be held August 11th in Lisle at the Hilton hotel.
The seminars will be headlined by Mr. Patrick Egger of Las Vegas, NV and Mr. Anthony Young, of San Ramon, CA. Mr. Egger will speak on the importance of analyzing key economic indicators in projecting trends in the real estate market. Mr. Young will speak on graphing market trends and then incorporating the graphs into appraisal reports. Ms. Markie Lemons of Chicago will give a presentation on short sales. “ICAP seminars are not typical real estate appraiser CE seminars.“We are extremely excited about the seminars this year. The committee did a fantastic job of selecting topics and speakers. The people in attendance are really going to enjoy the day and will find the seminar to be pertinent to their daily work as real estate appraisers”, said Randy Neff, seminar chair. "As is tradition of the seminars, Mr. Brian Weaver, IDFPR appraisal coordinator, will be the keynote speaker."
Here's a little more info on the speakers this year and their topics . . .
Patrick Egger is from Las Vegas. He is an appraiser, professional educator, and author of many articles on the Appraisal Scoop blog under the blog category "Outside The Boxes". He speaks extensively about using key economic indicators to project housing market trends. Patrick is nationally known among appraisers through his participation on blogs, forums, and speaking engagements. Mr. Egger will be speaking about…
Market Analysis: What moves the market? Indicators, Ratios and Relationships.
"It’s often said that an appraisal is merely a “snapshot in time”. While snapshots provide a glimpse of what’s happening, they’re like tombstones, telling the reader little more than born when, died when an who’s in the grave. Presenting a simple matrix of key indicators will turn a market glimpse into market perspective. The key to any report is how you communicate your observations and conclusions to someone reading that report. A simple matrix of key indicators will inform the reader on what is motivating the market and why. In turn, you can use the same matrix and indicators to logically support your conclusions in key sections of the report, such as market trends, adjustments and the reconciliation."
"Not only is the information readily available, it only needs to be updated monthly or quarterly; and it can be used with any type of report, transforming static snapshots into dynamic perspectives. Clients expect reasonable conclusions. They also require rational explanations and support for those conclusions. The Data tells us what happened, however it doesn’t tell us why it happened. This is where the matrix will help the appraiser and the reader comprehend where the market was, where it is now and what factors may determine where it is headed."
Another one of the ICAP guest speakers is Anthony Young. Anthony is an active appraiser from San Francisco. He is going to illustrate how to graph housing trends using excel and inserting them into appraisal reports. Here's an example of one of his Appraisal Scoop articles.
Real Estate Trend Analysis and Graphing
Anthony Young is a Certified Residential Appraiser and principle of Young & Associates Real Estate Appraisal Company in San Ramon, California, where he specializes in the valuation of complex and "high-end" residential properties and housing market trend analysis.
He enjoys showing Real Estate professionals graphing and charting techniques for studying the buying behaviors to conclude adjustments in valuations and has developed a How-To-Do-Trend-Analysis DVD that teaches professionals to measure (and visually graph) the behavior of the Real Estate Marketplace over time and to provide supported and credible results within the appraisal report.
Both Patrick and Anthony will be speaking in the afternoon. The afternoon session will include a real estate agent from Chicago, also known as the foreclosure queen, and Brian Weaver from IDPFR.
Marki Lemons will give a presentation on short sales, what they are, how they impact the market, how price is negotiated and other fundamental items about short sales. She specializes in short sales and foreclosures.
Sounds like a great lineup this year!!!
ICAP is using the Appraisal Institutes online education platform to register for the 2010 summer seminars. This is the second year we have used this platform.
You will have to create a username and password before you can register for the course.
As an ICAP member, you will receive a $25.00 discount for the class if you use the following promo codes. These codes are case sensitive so please type them as they appear below.
Springfield Seminar July 7: icap7sf
Lisle Seminar August 11: icap11lisle
Click on the following link to register….DON’T DELAY!!!
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