GUEST AUTHOR: Dave Towne, Certified Real Estate Appraiser - Towne Appraisals. 16422 Britt Rd., Mount Vernon, WA Phone: 360.708.1196 eMail: [email protected] Web:
Dave Towne posted a message to the Appraisers Forum site a few months back with his UAD Quick Reference Guide. His reference guide condenses the current 37 page UAD Appendix D manual into 5 basic ½ sheet pages, plus a conversion chart for the site size (since many counties report small sizes as a digital portion of an acre).
Dave said in his recent email update: "This has been featured in the Appraisal Scoop & Appraisal Scoop Facebook page, in a post on the AppraisersForum, and I’ve sent it to other appraisers. I don’t expect anything for it, but if you find it useful, send a check to your local food bank for what you feel it is worth.
This prints to 3 pages. Those are designed to be cut in half to make a small booklet you can keep at your desk and in your vehicle. For easier reading and ‘eye memory’, print each page to a different color paper.
I had each 2 pages laminated ‘upside down’ back to back, and had the print shop put a spiral binding at the top to make a flip booklet.
I greatly abbreviated the Q & C definitions, but those have enough detail to help appraisers determine which number to use for Quality and Condition. Remodeling/renovated descriptions are included.
For appraisers in suburban areas where site sizes for subject and comps straddle the magic 1 acre size, there is a conversion table from digital acre size to square foot size.
Drop me a note if you find this QRG useful. And don’t forget to support your food bank. [email protected]
Happy appraizin’ using the UAD!"
Download AES-UAD-Quick-Ref-Guide-3-10-11
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