A recent thread from the WinTOTAL User's Group forum started out with this question:
Has anyone had any experience with Synergy Real Estate Solutions? I received an email requesting that I complete their application to be put on their list, which includes a $39.99 fee for a background check....Any input would be appreciated.
James Morris, an employee of Synergy Appraisal Services, a subsidiary of [REAS] Real Estate Appraisal Solutions, responded with the following remarks:
My name is James Morris and I am with Synergy Appraisal Services, or the "REAL Synergy," as you put it. I am very sorry we didn't chime in sooner, but to be honest we just weren't aware of this forum. As you might expect there are a number of appraisal forums in existence and it is hard to keep track of them.
Also, we did not know what was going on with this "other Synergy" until recently. We started receiving calls from appraisers saying they had sent in their application and check, wondering where the touted work was, and we had no clue what they were talking about. Slowly we realized there was another entity sending out emails and appraisers who responded to those emails and never received a response to inquiries at numbers provided on the emails were finding us through a Google search for "Synergy."
The more we learned the more alarmed we became, until finally I contacted Federal authorities the week before last about the situation. I honestly could not stand that it appeared appraisers were being scammed, and that they were being scammed using our name, or at least one that was similar.
We had been cautious beforehand because we did not know all of the facts, and will continue to be cautious -- as we still just don't know all the facts. But to be clear *we are not the company sending out the emails asking for money*. The individual who appears to be the owner of "Synergy Real Estate Solutions" pleaded guilty to wire fraud charges last August, and is due for sentencing tomorrow based on what I was told by an investigator. Other messages in this thread provide more details into those circumstances.
Synergy Appraisal Services, my employer, is an AMC that genuinely makes service and quality top priority , as well as treating the appraisers with whom we work (and all for that matter) with kindness, respect and professionalism. We have worked with some of you in the past and I hope your experience was indicative of those priorities.
I am going to include below a statement on this situation written by our president and chief appraiser James Baumberger for an email we sent to our entire panel of appraisers last month:
"A Tale of Two Synergy's
Our parent company's name is Real Estate Appraisal Solutions (REAS) and one of our brand names is Synergy Appraisal Services. Our corporate office is in Denver, CO. It is a concern to us that Synergy Real Estate Solutions of Pittsburgh has been contacting many appraiser members already on our panel offering to sign them up for a registration fee. We do not charge any registration fees, and we value cordial professional relationships with our extended team of appraisers, so please do not confuse us with "the other Synergy." While we are not certain of accuracy, we have heard and read several very unflattering remarks about Synergy Real Estate Solutions and references to criminal activities, so caution might be prudent if they contact you.
Thanks! James Baumberger – President Synergy Appraisal Services"
Again, I am sorry it took us this long to chime in, but we are even now still trying to wrap our minds around what exactly has been happening, and now is a busy time. I hope this clears it up and that word spreads as to what is going on.
Thank you!
James Morris Synergy Appraisal Services
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