Sit back . . . Relax . . . .Grab some popcorn! The show is about to BEGIN!
Here's you'll find a variety of home videos on appraisal and appraisal technology topics. This first section includes How-To videos on a variety of appraisal software issues. They are 5-minute videos created using the Jing Project utility in the *.swf file format. If you have a short video to share or have a topic you'd like to see a video on contact me at [email protected]
Appraiser Technology
- Folder Share How-To Video: Download video(4824.0K) - This video explains how to automatically keep desktop files in synch with a remote computer or Tablet PC using the MS Folder Share utility.
- How-To add multiple images/graphs to a WinTOTAL appraisal report: Download video (6784.6K) Are you having difficulty adding a second or third graphic or graph to a WinTOTAL addendum. This video shows two methods to accomplish this.
eFax - Receiving an order: Video #1 (Richard Ferris)
eFax - Working with eFax - collecting data in workfiles: Video #2 - (Richard Ferris)
Below are a series of appraisal and real estate related educational videos on a variety of topics. I hope that these will give you a better understanding of my role, as an appraiser, in serving your real estate needs
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