Appraisal Scoop reported previously (click here) on the May 22, 2008 Virginia State Board for Real Estate Appraiser's (VREAB) meeting to discuss among other things, a petition submitted by George Dodd, SRA. Click Here to: Download Virginia_Appraisal_Board_Petition_052208.pdf
The petition was written to prevent online sites, or web-portals from changing or otherwise altering reports that appraisers prepare. Web-portals would include such companies as: AppraisalPort, RELS, and other AI ready required companies. It also seeks to limit the illegal PDF stripping down, and programs that erroneously copy information from reports such as Lighthouse.
Click here for Part 1 and for Part 2.
July 23, 2008 - Richmond, Virginia
Mr. Olson, Chief Legal Officer for FNC, did in fact take several minutes to discuss some points, many of which are similar to the comments he had made at previous meetings. Download Neil_Olson_FNC_Response.pdf He did not prepare or use a power point presentation this time. He chose to sit at the Board’s table and comment and answer questions as they were asked.
Much of what was said can be summed up in a few sentences.
“The ENV file that is submitted is the true copy. Many recent improvements to the AI Ready format were made that allow for inclusion of more images. The limitations of the presentation and formatting of the reports in the ENV are done so because that is the clients’ wish for the reports to be presented in such a way. He did also say that the security given by the system is the biggest advantage of Appraisal Port.”
Personally, I must say that I respect Neil Olson, any one that is willing to travel this many times and essentially defend his company the way he has done, gets a pat on the back. The lack of interest, or perhaps the lack of presence by the other companies that convert reports, and the lenders that are allowing or requesting it, leaves Mr. Olson there to defend the concept all by himself.
The point he made regarding the lender/client’s wish to have the reports in such a format, I do think this needs to be examined closer. I think a more accurate statement would be that this is the system that Appraisal Port sells to lenders on the merits of rule set reviewing and quality control. The system essentially reads the file and if any of the data in the fields is outside of an established tolerance (example: greater than 10% line adjustment) it is flagged. What I assume happens from there is that a reviewer or otherwise trained person looks over the report and decides if further appraisal review is needed, or if the report properly explains the variance.
One can surmise from the absence of the lender/clients and the fact that the programs are so limited to exclude the appraiser’s intended forms and presentation; it may not really be the lender/client that wants the reports in such a manner.
It is likely that the lender/client was solicited on the benefits of the rule sets and review features. They are not here defending the right to do so, they are leaving that to FNC. I believe this is a reasonable assumption to make regarding Lighthouse and AI Ready. This means that it is likely that the lenders using these types of services may not realize that the reports they are receiving are in many cases, limited in what they can contain. If the lender/client is aware it can be assumed that no consideration is given to the appraisal process when a business decision like this is made.
This may also explain why there has been resistance from Mr. Olson when asked about allowing the lender to receive a PDF, then converting the PDF into an ENV. This would certainly prompt a lender to ask, “Why do WE need to do this?”, and I am sure the credibility of the converted report would then be at question.
There is a loop hole here that is being used to force appraisers to convert formats and then the appraiser be held accountable for what is essentially two different versions of a report. Most appraisers do not understand that the reports are limited, and from many I have spoken to, they do not read the converted report and compare it to the report in their forms package.
Is This What the Lenders Really Want? Click here to continue reading . . .
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